Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Coming from from our little power outage has made me want to scream and commit small crimes.  I feel completely overwhelmed with school, work, and the life I left behind.  More than a small part of me does not care, but my "passion", drive, and morning coffee keeps me afloat.

I have plans to go to Raleigh, North Carolina this Sunday on Halloween.  I am going to see an Egyptian death metal band.  I bought these tickets in early August and have decided to get all my homework done prior to Sunday morning so that I may enjoy my two days.  Needless to say, this feels like 8 cows on my shoulders.  However, I'm going to get it all done. And I WILL make good grades.

I've been thinking about boycotting things, restaurants, and gas stations.  If even one wants to join me than do it.  It's easy you just decide not to eat, buy, or fill up at that particular place.  When boycotting, most people chose huge corporations that are sucking away from small businesses or simply trying to cOnTrOl the masses. By masses I mean us, society, and human beings in general.

End of Blog and the FED.

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