Thursday, December 9, 2010

Standardized Subjective Testing

This past Monday in my Social Studies methods course, we played a Jeopardy game using questions from 3rd to 6th grade Social Studies T-cap questions.  Needless to say, we were all overwhelmed by the number of questions we did not know.  There were questions about things we most likely forgot or were simply never introduced to that particular subject.  A lot, if not most, of the questions had me quite baffled.  I can see how schools fail the Social Studies T-caps section.  First, they never teacher Social Studies.  Second, they do not cover the standards for the grade they are teaching, or they just accept the fact they will fail the Social Studies section.  I'm pretty sure the state does not punish schools for low Social Studies testing. So there you have it.  The culprit to it all.  The state and the federal fundings.  They do not care.  Math and Reading are the most important. Or are they?!?!?

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